A new study suggests Mars may cause ‘giant whirlpools’ in Earth’s deep waters.

Lolita M. Pyron


Even though Mars is almost 140 million miles away from Earth, new research indicates that the red planet is having an impact on our deep waters by perhaps contributing to the formation of “giant whirlpools.”

To gain a better understanding of the power of deep ocean currents, scientists investigated sediments that were dug from hundreds of deep-sea locations over the past half-century. This allowed them to go back tens of millions of years into the past of the Earth.

According to the findings of the study that was published on Tuesday in the journal Nature Communications, the sediments showed that deep-sea currents had weakened and strengthened during climate cycles that lasted for 2.4 million years.

One of the co-authors of the study, Adriana Dutkiewicz, who is also a sedimentologist at the University of Sydney, stated that the researchers did not anticipate finding these cycles and that there is only one way to explain them. “They are linked to cycles in the interactions of Mars and Earth orbiting the Sun,” she said in a statement. According to the authors, this is the first study to establish these links.

Through a phenomenon known as “Resonance,”!

Which occurs when two circling bodies exert a gravitational push and pull on one other, the two planets affect one another. This phenomenon is frequently referred to as a form of harmony between planets that are located at a great distance from one another. The shape of their orbits is altered as a result of this interaction, which also affects how near they are to be circular and how far away they are from the sun.

According to the conclusions of the study, the interplanetary connection between Earth and Mars leads the planet to experience warmer climates during periods of greater solar radiation. The intensity of ocean currents also rises at times of higher temperatures.

While these 2.4 million-year cycles do impact Earth’s warming and ocean currents, they are natural climate cycles unconnected to the present rapid warming caused by the continued combustion of fossil fuels by humans, according to Dietmar Muller, a professor of geophysics at the University of Sydney and a co-author of the study.

These eddy currents, which the writers call “giant whirlpools,” can erode the bottom and create huge piles of sediment that look like snowdrifts. They may descend to the lowest parts of the ocean.

Through the process of detecting “breaks” in the sediment cores, the researchers were able to construct a map of these powerful eddies. When water conditions are quiet, sediments from the deep sea generally build in a continuous layering pattern. On the other hand, powerful ocean currents disrupt this pattern and make their mark apparent. Sediments from the ocean floor have this pattern.

Giant Whirlpools

This is because satellite data that can portray changes in ocean circulation has only been accessible for a few decades, according to Muller told CNN. As a result, sediment cores are extremely important for understanding circulation changes in warmer climates. Sediment cores allow us to piece together a picture of what the Earth looked like millions of years ago.

According to Muller, the current trajectory of warming that is induced by human activity will take precedence over all other processes for a substantial amount of time. On the other hand, the rocks can teach us a great deal about the behavior of the oceans in a world that is warmer.

The eventual breakup of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), a prominent ocean circulation that carries tropically heated water to the North Atlantic’s center, is a distinct possibility. The scientists do note, however, that these eddies may lessen the impact of the collapse to some extent.

Anxieties over the condition of this critical current network are being echoed by more and more academics. It is anticipated that this rising trend will continue. The delicate salt-heat equilibrium that controls the AMOC’s overall strength is disrupted as a result of climate change, which causes sea levels to rise and ice sheets to melt. Some others are worried that it might be showing signs of an impending collapse.

Serious climatic effects, such as a sudden drop in temperature in some areas and a rise in temperature in others, might ensue from a system failure.

According to Muller, there is insufficient information in the investigation’s results to make any predictions about AMOC’s future. In the case that the AMOC stopped working, other systems would keep stirring the water, but with slightly different outcomes. Our main point of contention is this.

Many people are worried that turning off the AMOC would drastically reduce the ocean’s activity and life.

This occurs because the deeper waters are unable to mix with the oxygen-rich top surges. In a news release, the scientists said, “Our findings indicate that the presence of more intense deep-ocean eddies in a warmer world could prevent such ocean stagnation.”

United Kingdom’s National Oceanography Centre assistant director of marine systems modeling Joel Hirschi is intrigued by the finding that sea sediments go through a cyclical process every 2.4 million years. The research did not include Hirschi in any way. He claimed that the scheme can work and that it is possible to communicate with Mars.

In an interview with CNN, he dismissed the “proposed link with the ocean circulation is speculative” and called the evidence connecting eddies to a stronger deep ocean circulation in hotter locations as “thin.”

According to satellite data, the frequency of these eddies has been on the rise during the past few decades. But he did say that ocean currents can’t stop silt buildup because they don’t always get to the ocean floor.

The study’s authors released a statement admitting they don’t know how many future processes might affect deep-ocean currents and marine life. The researchers think that this new line of inquiry might help improve climate change prediction models.