Women said- the evil of male dominance has not ended in our country, why should the statue be dressed less

Debra M Philips


Controversy has erupted over a statue of a woman in Italy. In this statue put up in the city of Sapri, the woman is seen in a transparent dress. Women’s organizations allege that the statue is hurting their sentiments as it is a symbol of gender discrimination.The disputed statue is made of bronze. Its inspiration is said to have been taken from the character of Luigi Mercantini’s poem in 1857. The character was named La Spigolatris de Sapri.Women MP Laura Boldrini said – This statue is a symbol of violence against women. No organization can present women as a sexual object. Male dominance is one of the evils of the country.

Problems to women leaders The women leaders of the
Democratic Party said – We are being presented as sexual objects. This is wrong and extremely insulting. It is like history and a slap on the face of women.On the other hand, the Mayor of Sapri defended the statue. Said- It was created with beauty without any mistake by the sculptor Emmanuel Stefano. The values, principles and traditions of the city cannot be questioned.

Who is the statue lady
Mercantini wrote a poem for the cleaning lady. The woman quits her job to join the campaign of the Italian revolutionary Carlo. The statue was unveiled at a function on Sunday. The program was attended by former Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and many leaders.

Emmanuel Stefano said on the sculptor’s cleanliness controversy – People are doing evil to the statue. It hurt a lot. I try to dress the statue as little as possible. I don’t care about its gender. This design was passed by the officers.