War continues against Corona:Israel first country to apply third dose of vaccine, 57% of population needed after full vaccination

Joem Flicth


Israel has become the first country to administer the third dose of the corona vaccine. The third dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine began on Monday. The government has taken this decision on the increase in the cases of the Delta variant of Corona. According to the Israeli Ministry of Health, people with a weakened immune system can be given a third dose. Apart from this, people who have had heart, lung, cancer, and kidney transplants can take the third dose.

A specialist at Sheba Medical Center in Israel, Prof. Galia Rahav said, ‘In the current situation, the decision to apply the third dose is justified. We were continuously researching the usefulness of the third dose. A month ago, less than 10 patients were available daily for the delta variant, which has now increased to 452. According to the Ministry of Health, at present 81 patients of corona are admitted in the hospitals of the country.

Of these, 58% have been vaccinated against Corona. However, studies show that corona vaccines are effective against the delta variant. Let us tell you that the pace of vaccination campaign in Israel has been fast. Here 57.4% of the population has been fully vaccinated.


American experts say – third dose can be given to those with weak immune system

The third dose of the vaccine has been started in Israel. Britain is also preparing to give a booster dose. Studies on this are going on in some other countries. The third dose of the corona vaccine is being called a booster dose. How useful and how important is it? Let us know what American experts say about this …

Where did the idea of ​​a vaccine booster or third dose come from?
The vaccine maker Pfizer-BioNTech was the first to come up with the idea of ​​a booster or third dose. They first wanted approval for this in the US. They claim that the third dose of the vaccine will prove to be more effective against the delta variant.

Who can be given the third dose of the corona vaccine?
The third dose of the corona vaccine can be given to people with a weak immune system. Especially those people who are suffering from heart, lung, or cancer disease. Experts are also considering other serious diseases regarding the third dose.

When can the third dose be given?
According to Pfizer, the third dose can be given six months after the second dose. This dose should be given within six to 12 months after the second dose.

What is the benefit of the third dose?
It increases antibodies against the original virus as well as beta and delta variants, which are capable of fighting infection.

Do experts agree with these claims? Is study still needed?
Many US public health experts say Pfizer’s claim about the third dose is opportunistic and irresponsible. The usefulness of the third dose cannot be proved so soon. This would require the study of several months’ worth of data.

Is the third dose necessary?
Experts say that it is not necessary to take the third dose. That too at a time when vaccination rates are very low in many large parts of the world. Also, the supply of vaccines is limited. Giving extra doses to the people of rich countries is short-sighted.