
Women said- the evil of male dominance has not ended in our country, why should the statue be dressed less
Controversy has erupted over a statue of a woman in Italy. In this statue put up in the city of Sapri, ...

Biden government released figures, biggest decrease in US nuclear arsenal
America’s nuclear weapons have decreased over the past two years. For the first time in four years, the US has made ...

Psychologists are advising people to stay away from screens to avoid ‘digital addiction’
Recently a young man came to me for treatment. He must have been about 20 years old. He was battling anxiety, depression ...

o expensive after 3 years, if governments do not reduce taxes, petrol and diesel can become more expensive
The price of crude oil in the international market has reached a record high of three years. Its price has reached ...

Dangerous are ‘stalkerware’ apps; Looks like a calendar app in mobile but spying on it, Apple-Google has also considered them as a problem
There is a word in English ‘Stalker.’ It means ‘hunter by stealth’. Many applications and software on our computers, mobiles etc. are ...

The study revealed:Attention! Children up to 15 times more microplastic than adults, don’t let them chew dolls and teethers
Small children’s teeth are coming out, give them teethers or plastic dolls to chew on. Yes, things are often heard in ...

Commentary and Awareness:Cases decreased by 35% in the US, 50% in the world; No increase in infection in any country in 2 months
Corona is not gone but is on the rise. During the last days, there has been a decrease in the number ...

How are the two Mega gangs with 20,000 Prisoners that are causing a Bloodbath in the prisons of Ecuador
The fighting in the prisons has already left more than 200 deaths in recent months Ecuador experienced the bloodiest prison ...

Coping with the pandemic:In America, 56% of children aged 12-17 years got their first dose of vaccine, Biden government’s big preparation after school opens
In America, the delta variant of the coronavirus is showing fatal effects. But after the opening of schools and other ...

The performance of people of Indian origin in Canada elections:17 leaders including Defense Minister Harjit Sajjan won; Justin Trudeau set to return to power, PM Modi congratulates
New Democratic Party (NDP) leader Jagmeet Singh and Defense Minister Harjit Sajjan, including 17 Indo-Canadians, won the Canadian parliamentary election. Liberal ...