
Arkhouse, Brigade Raise Macy’s Buyout Bid to $6.6 Billion
After Arkhouse and Brigade made the statement that they had made the decision to increase their buyout offer for Macy’s ...

Comprendre les effets du départ de Renault en Russie!
Renault has officially packed its bags, what next? This Monday, May 16, the French automobile giant sold all of its ...

Toulon: Chez Le Brasseur is increasing the pressure (s)!
Patrick Bouquet has developed the concept of a micro-brewery with the family, with the production of its own beers in ...

Apple Becomes The First Company To Be Worth US $3 trillion
Apple got off to a strong start in 2022. The American tech giant became the first company to achieve a ...

How Many Companies In The Country Have a board of directors?
In Colombia, of the companies that operate in the country, 58.2% have a board of directors and half are family ...

Amazon postpones face-to-face return of employees until January 2022 due to pandemic
The giant Amazon decided this Thursday to postpone the mandatory return of its employees to the office until January 2022, following the example ...

Andy Poppink: “Real estate investors are very interested in Madrid”
Poppink, who leads JLL’s business in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, says companies want offices with more common areas ...