Debra M Philips

Power crisis deepens in China, smartphone supply may be interrupted, prices may increase
The power crisis in the neighboring country of China has deepened. This threatens social instability, economic slowdown and global supply chain ...

Breast cancer treatment is now possible even without chemotherapy, there is no risk of side effects
There is great relief news for the people who are battling breast and lung cancer that now chemotherapy and radiation ...

Women said- the evil of male dominance has not ended in our country, why should the statue be dressed less
Controversy has erupted over a statue of a woman in Italy. In this statue put up in the city of Sapri, ...

Biden government released figures, biggest decrease in US nuclear arsenal
America’s nuclear weapons have decreased over the past two years. For the first time in four years, the US has made ...

Straight Gains XL Male Enhancement – Increase Sexual Health & Stamina Naturally!
With poor lifestyle and eating habits, many men feel ashamed of themselves while involving in their sexual activities. This is ...

Psychologists are advising people to stay away from screens to avoid ‘digital addiction’
Recently a young man came to me for treatment. He must have been about 20 years old. He was battling anxiety, depression ...

Experts advice:If there is a problem of dryness in the eyes, do not treat yourself; Improvement in diet, adequate sleep and right medicine can be beneficial
creen time has grown exponentially in the past few years. It has increased further during the pandemic. It has a direct effect ...

o expensive after 3 years, if governments do not reduce taxes, petrol and diesel can become more expensive
The price of crude oil in the international market has reached a record high of three years. Its price has reached ...

Dangerous are ‘stalkerware’ apps; Looks like a calendar app in mobile but spying on it, Apple-Google has also considered them as a problem
There is a word in English ‘Stalker.’ It means ‘hunter by stealth’. Many applications and software on our computers, mobiles etc. are ...

The study revealed:If college jeans do not fit, then there is a risk of type 2 diabetes
A new study has found that people with type 2 diabetes can reverse their current condition by reducing their waist ...