Debra M Philips

The study revealed:Attention! Children up to 15 times more microplastic than adults, don’t let them chew dolls and teethers
Small children’s teeth are coming out, give them teethers or plastic dolls to chew on. Yes, things are often heard in ...

Commentary and Awareness:Cases decreased by 35% in the US, 50% in the world; No increase in infection in any country in 2 months
Corona is not gone but is on the rise. During the last days, there has been a decrease in the number ...

Michelle and Barack Obama, in love like the first day: “You still make me turn my head”
Now he is one of the most powerful people in the world, but many years ago Barack Obama was a nobody, a ...

Amazon postpones face-to-face return of employees until January 2022 due to pandemic
The giant Amazon decided this Thursday to postpone the mandatory return of its employees to the office until January 2022, following the example ...

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos Asks His Girlfriend’s Brother For $ 1.7 Million In Legal Fees
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos needs $ 1.7 million from his better half’s sibling. On account of criticizing the world’s second ...

Biden Government Gave This Warning Against Pakistan, Imran Khan’s Worries Will Increase
Pakistan has gotten its first mishap after Biden’s administration in the US. The US has given its tourism warning for ...

Mexico: President Obrador Corona Infected, Told Mask And Lockdown Dictatorship
President Lopez Obrador has himself been against wearing veils. As indicated by them, wearing covers and lockdown is the technique ...

Google Threatens To Shut Down Its Search Engine In Australia, Know The Entire Matter
There’s a deadlock between Google and therefore the Australian government over the media payment law. This law is currently being ...

Philippines: Earthquake Tremors, Magnitude 7.0 On Richter Scale, People Flee Their Homes In Panic
Solid quake quakes have been felt in the Philippines. Quake force on the Richter scale has been estimated to 7.0. ...

United States: Corona Control, Biden Overturns Trump’s Decision As He Captures Power From The Mexico Wall To The Climate Amendment
After taking oath as President, Joe Biden took over the work in the Oval Office and got into action. Joe ...